
You’ve probably seen pictures of pedestrian doors on garages in the past. They look really great and seem very convenient, so people have become fond of posting galleries of them all over the Internet. The rationalization behind pedestrian doors seems to be, “Instead of opening that big door to get in the garage, I could just walk through a much smaller one.”
It’s almost here – the ice and snow of winter! Is your garage ready to handle what’s coming? This six-step strategy will help ensure you’re on top of it.
Let's be honest; a spring break is made to be fun and exciting. However, not all of them hit the mark. We're referring to literal spring breaks here when your garage springs snap and make a loud noise that passes through the entire home.
Can't get enough of ALL-GLASS garages? They're all over social media, you've seen them when out at restaurants, and even TV home renovation shows use them.
Does your garage door fit the rule of “the clothes make the man”? Should it? In many cases, it does. When you look at your home from the street, what’s the first thing that catches your eye?
Have you been forced to reconsider where your game room is located? Maybe that basement now needs to serve as an apartment for an older child, or even for an aging parent. What are you going to do with your pool table and other things? Relax. You don’t need to have a yard sale. The answer is to consider a different space. Where? Your garage!
If you own a company or provide a service and have been doing so for a number of years, you likely have customers who stop by your location to talk to you, to purchase replacement parts, or to check out what products you have available.
You will undoubtedly want to provide your garage door with maintenance each year, or more often, to ensure that it continues to work well. If you don’t, you might find that some problems start to develop, and that is the last thing you need. By detecting and fixing issues as soon as possible, it will help to reduce the cost substantially. It will also reduce the frustration you are sure to feel if something were to go wrong with the door that you could have prevented.
There’s going to come a time in most of our lives when we’ll need to go shopping for a new automatic garage door opener. If your time has come, how do you know which of the different types you should choose. Easy, you choose the one that comes with the most advantages! Once you start looking you’ll find there are different drive mechanisms: chain-drive, belt-drive, screw-drive, and our newest model, the Jackshaft.
A new garage door can change the whole look of your home. You can highlight that new look even more by adding the right outdoor lighting around the garage door. You might as well light up your new purchase so you can get the full effect of the enhancement you’ve added.

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